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Dal Governatore Franco Gagliardini - Lettera dal Presidente del Kiwanis International  

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Pubblicato da: Rosalba | News dal Distretto | 20.11.2018 |  Letture: 858

Dal Governatore Franco Gagliardini - Lettera dal Presidente del Kiwanis International
Cari Amici,
ho ricevuto dal Presidente del Kiwanis International, Florencio “Poly” Lat, la mail sotto riportata, che esprime positività nei riguardi del nostro Distretto e con la quale mi si invita ad una manifestazione in California, a Pasadena. Sicuramente non ci andrò, ma ricevere questi complimenti e questo invito mi ha fatto molto piacere e sento il bisogno di condividerlo con tutti Voi.
Franco Gagliardini

Monday, November 12, 2018

Dear Governor Gagliardini,

Congratulations on your success in opening new clubs this Kiwanis year. Because of your achievement, you are invited to ride aboard the Kiwanis International float in the 2019 Tournament of Roses Parade on January 1. If you decide to join me and my wife, you will be in the company of the president and vice-president of Key Club International and a group of Key Club and KIWANIS leaders from the California-Nevada-Hawaii District.

Following are details about being a rider in the Rose Parade:

All float riders must be present on the float in Pasadena, California, USA, for judging the day before the parade. It’s imperative you are there, in Pasadena, by 10 a.m. PST on Monday, December 31, 2018, to receive instructions and training for parade day. It would be best to arrive on December 30. Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) is about an hour’s drive from Pasadena.

The parade begins at 8 a.m. PST on Tuesday, January 1, 2019, and ends around noon. Float riders need to be on site by 4 a.m. It's a long day, but it is also exciting.

You will be responsible for all costs, including transportation, meals, lodging and incidentals.

You are welcome to bring guests to Pasadena with you. They are welcome to attend Kiwanis Rose Float events with you, but they won’t be able to ride the float. They can buy tickets to watch the parade in the bleacher section by contacting Craig Wallace at cwallace@m-k-m-com. Another option to see the parade is staking out public space along the parade route.

Kiwanis International has reserved a block of rooms at the Oak Tree Inn, 788 West Huntington Dr., Monrovia. The cost is US$179.00 plus tax per night. Please let us know immediately if you would like to use one of those rooms. (First come, first served.)

You can buy tickets to the Rose Bowl football game by contacting Mark McDonald at (First come, first served.)

Transportation around Pasadena is not provided. Taxi, Uber and Lyft service are options.

At noon on Friday, December 28, I will visit the Kiwanis Club of Glendale, one of the largest Kiwanis clubs in the world. You are welcome to attend that meeting at Glendale Elks Club, 120 E. Colorado Blvd., Glendale. After the club meeting, you’re welcome to help finish decorating our float at Phoenix Decorating's warehouse, 5400 Irwindale Ave., Irwindale.

On Saturday, December 29, you are welcome to attend the Kiwanis Club of Pasadena Interclub Luncheon where I will be the featured speaker. Lunch is served at noon. Cost is $35 per person. If interested, contact Craig Wallace at

The attire for float riders is casual and comfortable. The weather in Pasadena is generally a little cool but comfortable. Remember, you will be on site for the float beginning at 4 a.m. when temperatures are at their coolest. Kiwanis International will give you a scarf to wear on the float and keep.

Depending on the date you arrive in Pasadena, you may be able to help add flowers and seeds to floats. Mark McDonald is the contact for assisting with float décor at

Please contact Steve Hadt at by November 26 with your decision about participating in the 2019 Kiwanis Rose Float and other activities. Steve will provide you with some additional information as January 1 nears, as well as the waiver required by the Rose Parade.

This distinction is part of the Kiwanis International recognition program. This is our way of thanking you for helping strengthen Kiwanis.

Your brother in Kiwanis,

Florencio “Poly” Lat
2018-19 President
Kiwanis International

Kiwanis International   President   
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